Kareman Yassin
専攻:Applied Microeconomics and Enviromental Economics

Kareman Yassin
専攻:Applied Microeconomics and Enviromental Economics
My current research closely aligns with global efforts for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050
I enjoy delving deeply into topics that sparks my curiosity with the goal of making contributions that could benefit others in the future.
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Developing a deep and comprehensive understanding of a single topic.
My grandfather, a professor of physiology, had a deep love for science and was known for his strong work ethic and unwavering commitment to both his research and his students.
To establish collaborations with both the public and private sectors to develop innovative, feasible, and evidence-based policies that bring us closer to achieving the net-zero carbon emission target.

ヤコビ 茉莉子

ヤコビ 茉莉子
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