専攻:社会心理学, 文化心理学

専攻:社会心理学, 文化心理学
How gene and environmental factors (e.g., culture, childhood experience) independently and interactively shape individuals’ empathy and support-seeking
Writing interesting papers
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Solve problems with a systematic, scientific approach
Understanding human nature
Create my own theory or research field and inspire others to join me

有竹 俊光 アリタケ トシミツ

有竹 俊光 アリタケ トシミツ
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Marco Nutta

Marco Nutta
Branding, Brand coolness, consumer behavior, foodservice and lodging marketing
Learning a new skill each time I start a project.
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Discovering the unknown and confirming or denying assumptions
My mother because she is a researcher and I always wanted to be like her.
I would like to be well-known for brand coolness research. Additionally, my field lacks theoretical development and I would like to one day to contribute to the development of a new theory specific to hospitality and tourism.

Huynh Nguyen Khoi
専攻:International Relations, Quantitative Methodology

Huynh Nguyen Khoi
専攻:International Relations, Quantitative Methodology
My main interests are studying the dynamics between globalization and populism. I am also working on applications of machine learning and causal inference methods in social sciences.
Finishing a project and sharing my ideas with others
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Understand the world more little by little
I have always been curious about studying politics, but it was my professors and mentors that really inspired me to pursue research and academia.
I hope to expand my skillset and collaborate with many other researchers.

石川 光彦 イシカワ ミツヒコ
専攻:Social Neuroscience, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

石川 光彦 イシカワ ミツヒコ
専攻:Social Neuroscience, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
How do humans execute appropriate social behaviours in response to various contexts?
How do humans acquire sociality throughout development?
Eureka moment—such as when a groundbreaking experimental design, task, or theory emerges after long hours of contemplation.
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Everyday life
My grandfather was a university professor, so I was familiar with academia from a young age.
Research has no final destination, so I aspire to be a researcher who continues exploring until the very end of my life.

須藤 美織子 スドウ ミオコ
専攻:Developmental psychology, with a particular focus on children’s social cognition and socialization processes

須藤 美織子 スドウ ミオコ
専攻:Developmental psychology, with a particular focus on children’s social cognition and socialization processes
I am currently broadly interested in young children’s social cognition, including their ability to stand in other people’s shoes and their ability to empathize with others from diverse backgrounds, as well as how the development of such social-cognitive abilities could be influenced by children’s unique social and cultural environment.
What I enjoy most about research is the opportunity to pursue answers to questions that pique my interest, and through that pursuit, being able to contribute a piece (no matter how tiny) to the puzzle of understanding human development.
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To me, research is like a continuous learning journey, involving seeking answers to questions, acquiring new knowledge and skills, and evolving as a thinker.
During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to be involved in projects focusing on the language and cognitive development of foreign national children in Japan and Japanese children in the United States. I felt like learning about the unique struggles of such children was like learning about my childhood self since I grew up in multiple cultural contexts myself. My interest in learning about how such children’s struggles could potentially be alleviated served as the trigger for my interest in research.
I hope to be able to contribute to the advancement of knowledge on children’s social cognition, and to become able to guide the next generation of researchers in their academic pursuits.

Kim Honjik

Kim Honjik
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山﨑 遼也 ヤマサキ リョウヤ

山﨑 遼也 ヤマサキ リョウヤ
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遠山 朝子 トオヤマ アサコ

遠山 朝子 トオヤマ アサコ
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Davide Luigi Totaro
専攻:Comparative Private Law

Davide Luigi Totaro
専攻:Comparative Private Law
Contracts, Insurance, Fintech/Insurtech, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Protection
Providing solutions and insights on practical legal issues while advancing the theoretical framework, bridging the gap between industry and academia
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Advance human knowledge-understanding and problem-solving capability
The freedom to research, express yourself, and pursue knowledge, privileges that only academia can grant.
Furthering my knowledge and expertise in academia while engaging with private and public entities in the hope of working together toward common standards for trade and governance, especially in areas such as Artificial Intelligence.