【Event Report】The 89th HIAS Lunch Seminar: Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Kazuki Motohashi (HIAS) presented his paper titled “Extreme Temperatures and Adaptive Health Investment: Evidence from Sanitation Behaviors in India”
Welcoming SpeciallyAppointed Assistant Professor Kazuki Motohashi, HIAS, HIAS GLECS held its 89th HIAS L …
【Event Report】The 88th HIAS Lunch Seminar: Dr. Etienne Makdissi (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, HIAS) presented his paper titled “Effect of Legal Same-Sex Marriage in the United States With A Comprehensive Matching Model”
Welcoming Dr. Etienne Makdissi, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, HIAS, HIAS GLECS held its 88th HIAS L …
[Report] The 3rd HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Dr. Savu Rovanto (Assistant Professor, HIAS), “Growth of the circular economy: A Paradox? Case studies of repair in Japan, China and Finland.”
Welcoming Dr. Savu Rovanto, Assistant Professor at Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study (HIAS) held its 3r …
[Report] The 2nd HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: D.S. Prasada Rao (Specially Appointed Professor, HIAS/Emeritus Professor, The University of Queensland), “Contrasting Trajectories: The Political Economy of Growth in China and India.”
Welcoming Specially Appointed Professor D.S. Prasada Rao, Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study (HIAS) held …
[Report] The 1st HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Dr. Daniёlle Flonk (Assistant Professor, HIAS), “Liberal erosion of liberal norms: Contesting information freedom in a digital age”
Welcoming Assistant Professor Daniёlle Flonk, Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study (HIAS), held its 1st HI …
**Application closed**Open Positions : Full-time Assistant Professor / Research Associate (Non-tenured)(Economic History)
Hitotsubashi University, a national university in Tokyo that boasts the best social science research and education in Japan, established the Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS) in 2014 as an interdepartmental research organization directly under the President.
**Application closed**Open Positions
Full-time Specially Appointed Assistant Professor(Law)
Specially Appointed Research Associate(Law)
Job Description:Applicants will be expected to;1: Engage in research in the field of Global Law and its relate …
**Application closed**Open Positions : Full-time Assistant Professor / Research Associate
Job Description:Applicants will be expected to;1: Plan and execute research that can contribute to social scie …
**Application closed**Open Positions
Full-time Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
Specially Appointed Research Associate
Job Description:Applicants will be expected to;1:Engage in research in the field of Economics and its re …
Application period closed** Open Positions : Full-time Assistant Professor / Research Associate
Job Description:Applicants will be expected to;1:Engage in research in the field of International Relati …