NUTTA Marco (HIAS, Assistant Professor) will give a presentation on Wine Branding as a guest speaker at the 15th Asian Marketing Research Presentation Session of the Japan Marketing Academy.
NUTTA Marco (HIAS, Assistant Professor) will give a presentation on Wine Branding as a guest speaker at the 15 …
[Report] The 14th HIAS Brown Bag Seminar:Specially Appointed Professor Simon Deakin (HIAS), “Exploring the structure of legal language using computational techniques: theories, methods and early results”
Welcoming Specially Appointed Professor Simon Deakin , Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study (HIAS), HIAS …
David Uriel SOCOL DE LA OSA (Assistant Professor, HIAS) participated as a Japanese researcher in the 5th Japan-US-German Frontiers of Science (JAGFOS) Symposium, co-hosted by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH).
David Uriel SOCOL DE LA OSA (Assistant Professor, HIAS) participated as a Japanese researcher in the 5th Japan …
【Event】The 15th HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Kareman Yassin (Assistant Professor, HIAS)
On March 13, 2025, HIAS will hold its 15th Brown Bag Seminar, Dr. Karmen Yassin, Assistant Professor at HIAS w …
Yassin Kareman (HIAS Assistant Professor) has published a news article in The Conversation, a non-profit global online news media.
YASSIN Kareman (HIAS Assistant Professor) has published a news article in The Conversation, a non-profit globa …
Welcome Professor Simon Deakin!
Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Studies(HIAS) is honored to welcome Professor Simon Deakin from the Univer …
[Report] The 13rd HIAS Brown Bag Seminar:Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Etienne Makdissi (HIAS), “Returns to Education in Marriage”
Welcoming Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Etienne Makdissi, Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study ( …
【Event】The 14th HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Simon Deakin (Specially Appointed Professor, HIAS/Director of Business Research Center, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge)
On January 23, 2025, HIAS will hold its 14th Brown Bag Seminar. Dr. Simon Deakin, Specially Appointed Professo …
[Report] The 12th HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Specially Appointed Professor Maria Lohan (HIAS),“How to conduct a research priority exercise using a CHNRI methodology? Two examples of research priority setting exercises conducted for the WHO”
Welcoming Specially Appointed Professor Maria Lohan, Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study (HIAS), HIAS hel …
Umer Hamza (HIAS Specially Appointed Assistant Professor) joined the Editorial Board of Plos One.
UMER Hamza (HIAS Specially Appointed Assistant Professor) joined the Editorial Board of Plos One. Link to the …