【Event Report】The 89th HIAS Lunch Seminar: Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Kazuki Motohashi (HIAS) presented his paper titled “Extreme Temperatures and Adaptive Health Investment: Evidence from Sanitation Behaviors in India”
Welcoming SpeciallyAppointed Assistant Professor Kazuki Motohashi, HIAS, HIAS GLECS held its 89th HIAS L …
【Event Report】The 88th HIAS Lunch Seminar: Dr. Etienne Makdissi (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, HIAS) presented his paper titled “Effect of Legal Same-Sex Marriage in the United States With A Comprehensive Matching Model”
Welcoming Dr. Etienne Makdissi, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, HIAS, HIAS GLECS held its 88th HIAS L …
[Report] The 3rd HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Dr. Savu Rovanto (Assistant Professor, HIAS), “Growth of the circular economy: A Paradox? Case studies of repair in Japan, China and Finland.”
Welcoming Dr. Savu Rovanto, Assistant Professor at Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study (HIAS) held its 3r …
[Report] The 2nd HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: D.S. Prasada Rao (Specially Appointed Professor, HIAS/Emeritus Professor, The University of Queensland), “Contrasting Trajectories: The Political Economy of Growth in China and India.”
Welcoming Specially Appointed Professor D.S. Prasada Rao, Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study (HIAS) held …
[Report] The 1st HIAS Brown Bag Seminar: Dr. Daniёlle Flonk (Assistant Professor, HIAS), “Liberal erosion of liberal norms: Contesting information freedom in a digital age”
Welcoming Assistant Professor Daniёlle Flonk, Hitotsubashi Institute of Advanced Study (HIAS), held its 1st HI …